Friday, August 14, 2009


It's been a while. Sorry about that, but right now all I'm doing is moving my quotes from my facebook to here. I want them, but not on facebook. There is a reason. Peace.

"You being my girlfriend has greatly boosted my confidence...and is making my head fatter....*points around head* if you know what i mean." -Micah

"Please date him... Please have sex with him... Please let ME have sex with him." -Hannah O.

*watches salad fingers 2 with Lana*
*jeremy fisher freaks out*
"AHHHHHHHH" *major freak out* -Lana

"You are a young ninja at heart" - Jeana

"We can do my mom...WAIT NOOO" -Allison
*5 minutes later*

"Did Hannah do this?" -
"How the fuck should I know?" *leaves room* -the Germans.


"Whyy would you doo that?" -Kelsey K. Allie J. Scott

"I try not to look at THOSE THINGS!" -Cait.

"Remember, last year how everyone thought Katie and I were lesbians?" -Hailey
"YAYYYYYY" -Katie N.

"I dont get it" -Tracy
"Season four is when House gets his new team"- Jeana
"I know" -Tracy B
"Well this is season three, so SHUT THE FUCK UP" -Jeana

*my leg does the nervous thing*
"Allison, something is wrong with your leg" -Joseph
*leg continues, but i back away from the desk so it doesn't hit it*

*pulls out bobby pin from hair, and adjusts it* -Allison
"DID YOU JUST PULL THAT SHIT OUT OF NOWHERE??????" -Michael D (not noticing it was in my hair before)
"Uh no... it was in my hair." -Allison


"I have this shirt"-Michael D
"Do you?" -Allison
"I am WEARING IT."-Michael D

"Allie- I think you might like this CD" *hands me Underoath* "I put it in my CD player, and it started screaming at me" -Tracy B

"watch out" *pulls out knife* -Allison
"is that a butter knife?" -Jeana

"My little porn star" -Michael D

"You're hurting my virgin eyes."-random kid.

"I said SCOTTISH, then he said SCOTTISH, then i said SCOTTISH, then you said SCOTTISH, then they all said SCOTTISH!!!!!!!" -myself. x]



Saturday, August 8, 2009

Falling for Someone.

Today was great! I woke up and went to see my boyfriend around 2pm. We had a blast! Currently my boyfriend is holding my chin. He is pretty odd, it's great. I love to goof around with him, it amazes me how comfortable I am with him. He has a fever, so I have been taking care of him. I feel like I could do this forever. I am not sure though. Again, it's far too soon to tell, and I don't want to jump ahead of myself, I tend to do this a lot. He is just great though.

Well, right now it's hard to focus with Micah talking to me about this tubing story. So, I will go and blog later. Some time I want to do a really long blog.

-The Lonely Girl

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Day.

Today was phenomenal! Started off with working with the kids at Drama Camp and yelling (in the fun way), wiggling around, and just having fun! It was fantastic! The kids loved me, I was just making a fool out of myself the whole time, and wore funny animal costumes, and just made them laugh. I felt so happy. For some reason though, today of all this week, I missed Micah the most. I just wish he could have had the opportunity to do what I did.

Speaking of Micah, I still don't know when he gets back. I am just being driven insane. I am guessing it's going to be Sunday. I think tomorrow I am really going to try and catch up on some sleep. I really need it, I haven't been sleeping well at all. Maybe it's because Micah is gone. I don't know.

Alright, more about my day. Then after camp I got home and hung out with Jeana. (Did I mention we made up?) Afterward, I had to go back to Drama Camp because tonight was the performance. Before the show, I goofed off more, and helped the kids relax. All in all, a great day. I just wish my boyfriend could have seen how much fun I had.

-The Lonely Girl.
P.S. I have the house to myself all weekend. Oh joy. At least Monday I go to school for cheerleading practice.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bad Mood

Alright, today was a fairly good day. Thing is, I feel like cutting... I am in a terrible mood. I am going to finish laundry, take a shower... then sleep... I might cut.

-The Lonely Girl

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tiring Day.

So today was normal- for this week. I had Drama Camp at a local church, and it was from 9am-12pm. So it was fun. Then I went to see my mom today, and I convinced her again to let me get my lip pierced. So I am excited. I am getting my hair done this weekend, probably, and soon my lip.

Anyways. I don't have much else to say. Night.

-The Lonely Girl

Monday, August 3, 2009

Finding the Way.

Lately everything has been great. I saw Escape the Fate live, and I pretty much shit myself. I was so happy. Then today I was a leader at a Drama Camp and had fun. It's all this week. I really miss Micah, but I wrote him a letter, and I'm mailing it to his camp tomorrow.

Okay, so I am really annoyed. With cats. I HATE them with a burning passion. They bug me to death! The only cat I could tolerate was my cat Zoey, but she died two weeks ago. I've had her since I was five, and she knew when to leave me alone, and when to give me company, and she loved me. The feeling was mutual. We were each others best friends. She got brutally attacked by a German Shepard, knowing her she probably started the fight. Anyway, she had her lungs punctured, and survived surgery, but had a heart attack afterwards. Tear. Anyways, I have two cats right now, and they just make me want to shoot myself. Not literally. They are just whinny, don't leave me alone, fight with each other, and loud, and just obnoxious!!!!!!!!!! They make me so angry.

Oh well. Anyway, just wanted to keep you readers posted. Night.

-The Lonely Girl

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Quiet Start

Hey readers!

So today is the day before the Warped Tour! I woke up to a few texts from Micah, and fell back asleep after subconsciously throwing my phone. So now he is gone to someones cabin for the day, and I miss him. Oh well.

So, I've been in bed all morning, and it's about 1pm now. I think I am going to start getting ready to going to Rebecca's. I absolutely cannot wait! I am so excited. I have been listening to Escape the Fate all night. I can't even explain my excitement. I am really bummed Micah can't go, but he is going to Bible Camp, so that's better, I suppose. He will be there with me in my heart, as corny as that is.

Oh goodness. I had the weirdest dream last night, and I want to write it (or in this case type) before I forget it. Alright, so I can't remember how it started, but all I remember is being in this indoor-outside park. (I know that makes no sense, but there were walls, but it was like nature, so I don't know.) Anyways, there was this dog, and this other person and we were just going around this park, when out of nowhere the other person comes up to me and says she found some bones. So I was like "cool, okay." Then when we get to the bones, they looked like some saber tooth tiger's bones. It was sweet. So then the dog goes sniffing around, and as we are looking at the bones, we hear the dog running and barking. When we look we see the dog chasing this baby saber tooth tiger. It was alive. It was nuts! Then we realize that if there is a baby tiger, there has to be two adult tigers. So we freak out, and then I wake up. It was crazy, I don't understand how that is memories put together. (They say that dreams are a bunch of memories put together.) So, that was my crazy dream.

Any who, I am going to continue getting ready. Just thought I would update.

-The Lonely Girl